Calibration Rigs

Calibration Rigs | Novatech

The Deadweight Rigs apply forces using accurate reference weights that are independently checked and adjusted to a schedule by the original manufacturer.

The mV/V output of the loadcell being calibrated is then measured using a precision DC ratio meter, calibrated by the National Physical Laboratory. We have two rigs for rated loads from 0.1N to 10kN and have multiple weight sets available with weights from 1g to 20kg.

The Transfer Rigs apply forces using hydraulic rams. The applied force is measured using one of a selection of accurate reference loadcells from a third party supplier. The mV/V outputs of the reference loadcell and loadcell being calibrated are then measured using precision DC ratio meters. Both the reference loadcells and DC ratiometers are calibrated by the National Physical Laboratory.

We have 4 rigs for rated loads up to 1000kN in tension and 2000kN in compression. In total we have 7 reference loadcells, allowing us to select an appropriate range to match the required calibration range for improved accuracy.

The Torque Rigs apply forces using accurate weights or hydraulic rams depending on the rated load of the loadcell being calibrated. The applied force acts over pulleys connected to a moment arm, which is attached to the loadcell. The mV/V output of the loadcell being calibrated is then measured using a precision DC ratio meter, calibrated by the National Physical Laboratory.

We have two rigs for rated torques from 0.01Nm to 2000Nm. Due to the frictional effects of the pulleys and the machining tolerance on the moment arm, we are unable to give an exact, traceable, calibration uncertainty for any calibration performed on our torque rigs.

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